Using version control systems with Kanzi

When you add your Kanzi projects to a version control system, do not add these files and directories:

Merging projects using version control tools

After configuring your version control tool you can use the Kanzi merge tool for Kanzi project updating and merging. For the integration Kanzi requires a version control tool that provides the necessary parameters to the Kanzi merge tool.

Example of parameter types Description
MINE The parameter for the source project.
THEIRS The parameter for the target project.
BASE The parameter for the base project.
MERGED The parameter for the merged project.

Integrating the Kanzi merge tool with a version control tool

To integrate the Kanzi merge tool with a version control tool:

  1. Configure your version control tool to use the Kanzi merge tool (<KanziInstallation>/Studio/Bin/KanziMergeTool.bat) for .kzproj files.
  2. Pass to your version control tool the absolute path to the KanziStudio.exe. For example, C:\Program Files\Rightware\Kanzi\Studio\Bin\KanziStudio.exe.
  3. Set the version control tool parameters for the Kanzi merge tool. For example, these parameters can be called MINE, THEIRS, BASE, MERGED.

Integrating the Kanzi merge tool with SVN version control software

To integrate the Kanzi merge tool with SVN version control software, open the SVN settings and add Kanzi merge tool as an external program for merging files with the .kzproj extension.
For example, if you are using Tortoise SVN, open these settings by going to SVN > Settings > External Programs > Merge Tool > Advanced and set:

See also

Merging projects
